5 Top Tips to Getting a First in your University Exams
November 30, 2016 | Students
1) It takes time
To actually understand how to get a first in your exams at university, it is important to first realise that you will need to do work from now on till your exams. Preparation is key so give yourself plenty of time and start now.
2) Cramming causes stress
Yes, cramming can cause stress and has been evaluated as being ineffective. Thus, as mentioned prior to get a first you will need to be doing work from now. That does not mean that you will have to do a lot. Read on to find out our secret on how to get a first at university.
3) Attention Span
Did you know that most adults and teenagers are not able to concentrate past 40 minutes per day? And, that on average most internet users do not spend more than 1 minute on a website?
Well with your attention span being so low per day, you will need to use these 40 minutes to actually study. We suggest spending roughly 20 minutes per day revising or reading or making notes. Plus, if you want to avoid procrastinating only aim to spend 20 minutes per day, and any extra work that you might end up doing will be a bonus.
4) Plan
Many people say that to get a first you will need to do a substantial amount of work. That is true. However, if you spend 20 minutes per day from now till your exams you will more than likely get a first. The idea is to spend your full attention on actually learning. So plan ahead, know what you need to revise and when.
5) Be Strategic
By starting now you will have less work, and you will be preparing yourself for each exam. It means you will not have to cram, and that you can cover a range of topics over a period of time without having to do as much work last minute.
Let Leeds would like to wish you all the best of luck in your exams.