Landlord News
May 28, 2015 | Landlord News
The Residential Landlords Association (RLA) has urged the government to “take action to find and root out the criminals who bring misery for tenants.”
The minority of landlords who are criminals continue to tarnish the reputation of the private rented sector. The exploits of rogue landlords, despite being so few, as a proportion of the whole, have resulted in numerous unflattering news stories that affect public opinion. In turn, politicians have singled out the sector as in need of regulation, which it is, but tend to paint with broad brushstrokes that could harm good landlords more than rogues.
Chairman Alan Ward said, “It’s time that we got smarter and ought to have a system which supports good landlords while bringing the book down on the criminals who should play no part in a modern housing market.”
What the RLA is now calling for, is for more effective action to be taken that targets the criminal minority specifically. They want the government to introduce a measure to allow councils to include details of a property’s tenure and details of the landlord, if a rented property, on council tax registration forms – neither of which are currently asked for.
The RLA also wants to see a Bill to enable the legal information on the location of deposit money to be provided electronically to tenants if that is their preference.