Landlord News
Landlords will have the opportunity to apply for a slice of the £70 million cash pie served up through the very popular Green Deal Home Improvement Fund (GDHIF) from midday on 16 March. Each household can receive up to £5,600 to help pay for energy saving measures such as double glazing, boilers, cavity wall and floor insulation.
Landlords are advised to get their applications in at the earliest opportunity, as it is expected that all £70 million will be spoken for within a week of receiving applications. In December, when the scheme last opened for applications, the £30 million then available ran out in just 48 hours.
Unlike homeowners, however, landlords applying for the scheme are required to pay more than 50% of the total costs themselves. To complete the two-stage application process, landlords will need a Green Deal Advice Report or EPC certificate that is under two years old; a quote from a GDHIF registered installer or provider for work that is approved on the list of GDHIF measures, and specified on the GDAR or EPC; and proof of property ownership.
With tenants being granted the power to request consent to energy efficiency measures from their landlord from 1 April 2016 – which cannot be ‘unreasonably’ refused – it might be best to take advantage of the scheme while it’s available.