Landlord News
June 26, 2017 | Landlord News
According to recent results from the Property Investor Survey undertaken by Mortgages for Business, 48% of Landlords are seeking to expand their portfolios in the next six months, which is up 7% since the same poll was taken last year.
In the wake of a number of changes to the property market, including mortgage tax relief and the new stamp duty rules, it would be easy to think that Landlords could be put off from growing their investments.
While the research has indicated that most Landlords have taken the wise move to seek professional tax advice regarding the changes, nearly half of all Landlords appear undeterred – and it’s positive news indeed for the BTL market!
If you are thinking of growing your portfolio, Leeds is a fantastic place to invest. Give our Sales Team a call on 0113 322 9533 to discuss how we can help.