Company News
Let-Leeds Opening Hours Christmas period 2013
December 10, 2012 | Company News
The Let-Leeds team will be enjoying a few days off and some shorter operating hours during the Christmas period.
Please refer below if you need to contact us during this time.
Please log any maintenance requests during this period as normal using the online maintenance request form.
It is important that even emergencies are logged this way.
If you need to speak to someone urgently whilst the office is closed, (Emergencies only), please call 0113 244 5669 and choose the maintenance option which will automatically divert your call to the nearest maintenance contractor mobile.
Please see below our Christmas period opening times.
Day | Date | Date | Opening Hours | |
Thu | 20 | Dec-12 | 9am – 7pm | |
Fri | 21 | Dec-12 | 9am – 5pm | |
Sat | 22 | Dec-12 | 10am – 5pm | |
Sun | 23 | Dec-12 | CLOSED | |
Mon | 24 | Dec-12 | Xmas Eve | 10am – 5pm |
Tue | 25 | Dec-12 | Xmas Day | CLOSED BANK HOLIDAY |
Wed | 26 | Dec-12 | Boxing Day | CLOSED BANK HOLIDAY |
Thu | 27 | Dec-12 | 10am – 5pm | |
Fri | 28 | Dec-12 | 10am – 5pm | |
Sat | 29 | Dec-12 | 10am – 5pm | |
Sun | 30 | Dec-12 | CLOSED | |
Mon | 31 | Dec-12 | NY Eve | 10am – 5pm |
Tue | 1 | Jan-13 | NY Day | CLOSED BANK HOLIDAY |
Wed | 2 | Jan-13 | 9am – 7pm |