Landlord News
May 11, 2015 | Landlord News
Data from the latest Private Rented Sector Trends survey from Paragon Mortgages shows that there has been a jump in the number of landlords looking for semi-detached properties.
Of the landlords polled who expect to purchase buy-to-let property in the near future, 35% said they were on the lookout for semi-detached property in particular – increasing from 23% in the final quarter of 2014.
The proportion of landlords looking to buy terraced rental property was found to have fallen dramatically from 67% to 35%.
This turnaround in demand for these two property types, the specialist lender says, suggests that “landlords are taking a broader perspective in order to cater for the wider range of households looking for a suitable property in the rental sector.”
A slightly lower proportion of landlords (30%) expressed interest in adding a flat to their portfolio; and 22% were looking into more specialist units, such as HMOs and multi-unit blocks.
Landlord confidence was also shown to be on the up, with 27% saying they feel positive about their future prospects, and 18% expect to add to their property portfolio sometime soon – increasing from 15%.